We've visited every webshop on the market. And brought some insights with us.

Webshop intelligence for sales and marketing teams targeting the European market. Bi-weekly deep data collection from over one million webshops across Europe
  • Technology use: Understand the platforms and tools webshops are using.
  • Payment systems and providers: Gain insights into the preferred payment methods and service providers.
  • Company information: Access comprehensive details like company names, addresses, and SEO rankings.
  • Product details: Track the number of products, growth trends, and product categories.
  • Delivery providers and export markets: Learn about logistics and international reach.
Talk to sales

“With Tembi we can cross-filter on data that is hard to find, making it possible to find exactly the clients that are in the sweat spot of buying our services.”

Robert Grave
Co-founder, Causality agency