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Digital Agencies

Market Intelligence

Nordic E-commerce Report

iscover data and insight around webshops in Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Norway. This report is free and available on LinkedIn for download.

What to expect inside?

We've visited and analysed over 70.000 active webshops in Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Norway. Orginsed around three topics you'll find:

➜ Insights around distribution of product categories
➜ Data on delivery prices and delivery methods
➜ Discover which technology platforms power the webshops
And much more ⏩

Go to our linkedIn page and view, or download your copy.

Previous E-commerce Reports

Baltic E-Commerce Market Intelligence Report (Published January 2024)
Nordic e-commerce Market Intelligence Report (Published October 2023)


News! Tembi now available for Software Providers and Digital Agencies

ind the webshops you’ve always been looking for - Small or large, local or international, on the rise or in need of a strategic nudge.

At Tembi we look beyond general company and webshop data, and visit each webshop to better understand which type products are being sold, the technological platforms in use, and for example, what software's are powering the webshops communications, performance and operations.  

Our machines do the equivalent job of thousands and thousands of people daily researching the web, collecting information, gathering data and putting it together in one place. Webshop after webshop.

“Securing the right targets at the right moment isn’t just about closing deals—it’s about gaining a strategic advantage. With Tembi’s latest market intelligence innovation for Software Providers and Digital Agencies, whether your focus is business development, sales, or marketing, you’ll gain an excellent perspective on market dynamics.”
Michael Bugaj, CMO at Tembi

Access exclusive data with precision

We're not just about scratching the surface. Our goal is to deeply understand each webshop, connecting them to their parent companies to unveil their financials, interconnected webshops, and operational domains.

By integrating information from multiple places into a singular, comprehensive view, we enable sales and business development teams to better segment the market, and see where new opportunities are developing, and link that to individual companies, refining lead list and decreasing disqualified leads with up to 80%.

Identify relevant webshops to your business

When we initially ask potential clients how many webshops they believe there is in their market the typical answer is around 1/3 of the market, meaning most of the market goes unnoticed.

Who are the emerging stars? The niche players about to grow? With Tembi, these questions find their answers. Our platform allows you to input your ideal customer profile, creating alerts for when potential leads meet your criteria.

Benefits of using our Tembi’s e-commerce solution

Besides significantly simplifying the process of gathering data, here are five immediate benefits:

1. Extensive filtering options to match your ICP

Filter on location, products, markets, financials, ownership, and +50 other possibilities to find exactly the cohort that matches your ICP and/or campaign.

2. Rapidly grow your pipeline

With your ICP in place, see immediately the whole lead list on your market, and set up notification for automated new matches.

3. More information on your ideal targets

Understand you targets business and its situation better. Get clarity around their product offering and development and how you can help.

4. Spend your time right

Up to 80% less disqualified leads frees more time to be able to focus on closing the deals.

5. Understand your market

We monitor the market weekly and visualise trends and movements so that you can better understand how the market develops and identify new opportunities.

Interested in knowing more about our e-commerce solution? Download the product presentation or book a meeting for a demo.

About Tembi

Tembi is a data and analytics company, providing a software solution designed to deliver market information and insights that give our customers a better understanding of their market and how it develops. Our Market Intelligence Platform gathers and connects data from multiple industries to give a more precise and correct overview the market and its companies.