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Market Intelligence

Danish Real Estate Market Intelligence Report

urious about the Danish Real Estate market and how it moved? Our new Market Intelligence Report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Danish commercial real estate market. Key highlights include:

  1. Extensive Relocation Data (2023): Insights into the significant movement within the Danish corporate landscape, focusing on company relocations.
  2. Predictions for 2024: Using AI analytics, the report offers predictions on market movements and company relocations for the upcoming year.
  3. Detailed Market Insights:  Valuable insights on relocation patterns, the type of premises companies are moving into (leasing vs. owning), and how often companies relocate based on their size.
  4. Regional Analysis:  Breakdown of relocation trends across different regions and municipalities in Denmark.

This report is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the dynamics of the Danish commercial real estate market, providing data-driven insights and predictions to inform strategic decisions.

Access a free version of the report here.


Know who will move before they’ve made the decision

s a real estate professional, you know that timing and information are everything. Identifying which businesses are planning to relocate mean the difference between closing a deal and missing out.  

But what if you could predict these moves before they happen?  

At Tembi we have developed a solution that gives real estate professional market foresight, and a real competitive edge establishing early client relationships. Our advanced artificial intelligence platform provides you with the ability to anticipate company relocations, transforming the way you secure leads and grow your business.

The challenge of predicting moves

Traditionally, figuring out which companies are planning to move offices has been a matter of luck or extensive networking and marketing campaigns based on limited data. By the time, a company is ready to look for a new location, or inverse a property hits the market, it is already a race against dozens of other real estate professionals who are also in the know.

Tembi's predictive edge

At Tembi, we have leveraged artificial intelligence to change the game. Our Real Estate Market Intelligence solution is not just another database – it is a predictive tool that can forecast whether a company will move in the next 6 to 12 months, often before the company itself has identified the need to relocate.

Select an area get all the necessary industry & company data

How it works

Our proprietary machine learning models analyse vast amounts of data points, from building data and economic trends to company growth patterns, to provide a prediction score on companies likely to move. This insight gives you a significant head start to prepare a proposal, reach out, build a relationship, and maybe even secure a deal before others even know there is an opportunity.

And if you own properties, our Moving Prediction Score is a great tool to health check your current tenants and where they “stand.”

Precision score

Over time, our machine learning models have become very precise. When we estimate that a company will grow, we are right nine out of ten times , giving it a 90% precision rate. And most companies that will move, we capture.

Access comprehensive data

But we do not just stop at predictions. Tembi provides you with access to comprehensive company data, including size, financial health, and industry segmentation. This information allows you to tailor your approach to each potential client's unique needs and preferences.  

Filters help you find exactly the type of companies you look for

Gain a competitive advantage

With Tembi’s solution, you are not just getting leads; you are getting a consultant's perspective. Understanding the dynamics of the real estate market is crucial, and we give you the knowledge and insights to navigate it effectively. This means you can position yourself strategically in the market and close deals faster, giving you that competitive edge.

Currently, Tembi's Real Estate Market Intelligence is available to real estate professionals operating in Denmark and Sweden, with plans to expand to other markets soon.

Are you interested in getting more information. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Three different ways to use a Moving Prediction Score

f you knew which company would move within the next six, or twelve months, what would you do with that prediction?

During the last month I have talked with many Real Estate professionals within different sectors in the real estate industry, asking them the question how an understanding of companies moving intentions would change their work and approach. As expected, they all had different answers and saw different possibilities.  

Below I have paraphrased three answers that stood out during my conversations.

The Real Estate Agent

“As a Real Estate Agent, I would analyze our commercial rental pipeline to identify nearby businesses in the right segment with a high probability of moving. Then reach out to them. But I would also use that knowledge when I try to close potential new clients.”

The Real Estate Asset Manager

“Check our tenant status and see if anyone is about to move. The dialogue with our tenants is the most important thing, and this insight will allow me to reach out to them proactively, talk about their journey, and understand if their needs will change soon. So, we can make sure that they will be relocated and stay as tenants with us.”

The Real Estate Developer

“Of course, twelve months is a short time frame for us. However, previously, 12 months is far too short for us, but we are experiencing more frequently than before that large companies are not as inclined to commit to leases 24-36 months in advance. In addition to being very interested in understanding how an area is developing and where there will be a need for future offices, we would also use that knowledge to ensure we find tenants for our upcoming projects.”

Tembi’s Moving Prediction Score

Predicting if a company will move or not is not science fiction anymore. By continuously collecting and gathering millions of data points, we have at Tembi developed a Moving Prediction Score (MPS) that can predict with over 90% precision if a company will move within the next twelve months. That is about 20 times as good as a random guess.

Using artificial intelligence (AI) and gathering unique data, we can predict how a company will grow, how the number of employees will change and when they would need to move to new offices, as well as understand where they might want to move. Calculating the MPS, we do not only look at historical data, we combine different machine learning models and use this across industries and geographies. Our models are trained on 80 % of the company locations, and we test the models the remaining 20 % to see if we are right or wrong. And that is how we can reach a validated precision of 90%.

If you are interested in hearing more about how our Moving Prediction Score works, or how it can be applied to your business, do not hesitate to reach out to us.


E-commerce Intelligence Platform

ith the E-commerce Intelligence Platform (EIP), we have set out on one of our most ambitious data and analytics ventures yet: to authenticate and catalog every webshop globally, defining product categories, individual products, and the delivery infrastructure. Our aim is to build the most expansive and current e-commerce database, one that can proactively empower webshops, carriers & delivery providers, and suppliers to navigate through the dynamic, ever-expanding market.

EIP was first introduced in Denmark in 2021 and has since extended its reach to Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. To date, we systematically and repeatedly index, validate and analyze over 200,000 webshops, classifying them into different product categories.

So, why embark on this colossal task?

The objective behind EIP is to provide the industry with unparalleled Market Intelligence. To achieve this, it was imperative for us to go beyond the surface-level offerings and gain a deep understanding of the last-mile delivery mechanics, the various providers involved, and the pricing structures.

Benefits of EIP

All webshops in one place
EIP offers a comprehensive market overview, identifying and validating every operational webshop, while discarding inactive ones. We have established a direct link between each webshop and its owner, detailing ownership, headquarters, and financial figures. By evaluating the webshops' offerings and categorizing their products, we understand the technological platforms utilized and the delivery services provided, including pricing and export capabilities.

Our "Market Scrape" equips users with a detailed snapshot of all webshops in a specific market. For deeper insights, particularly into the largest, custom-built webshops, our "Custom Scrape" service offers an in-depth analysis.

Checkout monitoring
Understanding the last-mile market, we monitor each delivery checkout on all webshops, gathering information about providers and their position on the list of delivery options, delivery methods and prices, free-delivery threshold, and green delivery options – giving us comprehensive view of the shipping market and how it evolves from a public perspective.

We keep a pulse on the last-mile delivery market by continuously monitoring checkout processes across webshops. This monitoring captures data on delivery providers, their ranking in delivery options, pricing strategies, thresholds for free delivery, and eco-friendly shipping options, thereby offering an overview of the evolving shipping landscape.


Decision-ready Market Intelligence
Merging our data with metrics like order volumes allows last-mile delivery providers to proactively respond to changes in their checkout positioning, preventing potential revenue drops.

“Prior to Tembi, identifying a lost position at a store’s checkout could take up to six weeks, during which we would lose about 64% of order volumes. With EIP's immediate updates, we can swiftly address the issue, preventing significant revenue losses”

Webshop integration manager

Let us say you charge €3,0 per delivered package and expect 100 packages per day (on average). The daily revenue is €300. Losing 64% of the volume equals to a loss of €192 per day. During six weeks that loss amounts to €8.064.  

With EIP, as soon as a positioned is lost, you are notified, and can talk to the store, and manage your delivery operations immediately.  

From a strategic perspective, both as a webshop owner, as well as delivery provider, you can track which delivery methods are popular, what are the market prices, and where is the market developing, both on your own market, but also abroad.  

Automated lead generation
Understanding the supplier network of providers for webshops within different fields - delivery, payments, and technology - opens an overview of who works with whom. Giving providers competitive intelligence and a perfect data set for lead generation and prospecting.  

As a delivery provider, being able to see all your clients in one simple overview with metadata, you will equally see where you are not present. By understanding previous relationships and solutions used, you can improve your sales pitch and competitive edge.

EIP use-cases

There are multiple ways to use EIP and the data. Here are a couple of examples.

EIP for Account Managers
See what technologies your clients are using, and which providers they work with. If you work with last-mile delivery, you can see your position in each check-out and follow your client's business and get the latest data before your check-up.

EIP for prospecting
Whether you work with professional services for webshops or selling software, you can find each webshop on your market and find precisely the type of webshop you are looking for with our filters.

EIP for Business Development
See and follow market trends, track your competitors and always be up to date.  

EIP for Customer Success
From the moment you have a new client, follow the implementation and results. Track critical changes and get access to detailed customer business information.

EIP for Analysts and Business Intelligence
Via our API you can extract all our data to your own system and combine external data with your internal data to track correlations, get a full competitor, and market overview.

“A dynamic market requires ongoing data collection.”

Christian Mejlvang, head of product at Tembi

The technology behind EIP

Our data foundation is robust, encompassing over five billion data points, which include both real-time and historical data collected from 2021. We augment this repository daily with over one million data points to guarantee not only the high quality of our data but its relevance as well.

Utilizing diverse machine learning techniques such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), NLP (Natural Language Processing), LLM, and image recognition, we convert raw data into actionable intelligence, aligning with our commitment to transforming data into insight. This data undergoes a process of enrichment, contextualization, and multi-level automated verification to ensure its integrity. We categorize our data into three tiers of quality—Bronze, Silver, and Gold—and it is only the Gold-standard data that is displayed on the EIP platform, reflecting our dedication to the highest standards of excellence.

Our data acquisition strategy is multifaceted: 1) sourcing open data, 2) procuring datasets from various providers, 3) deploying our proprietary scrapers to gather exclusive data, and 4) generating novel data through analytical methods applied to the data we have. This fourth approach underpins our Predictive Market Intelligence service.

We employ a combination of econometric and predictive machine learning models to create proprietary datasets. These are instrumental in our analysis of market trends and trajectories, providing an innovative perspective on market dynamics.

Interested in knowing more about EIP? Contact us.

Market Intelligence

Market Intelligence Report: E-commerce October 2023

ith our E-commerceMarket Intelligence Report, we have taken a deep dive into the e-commerce industry in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway to better understand delivery price differences, who are the dominant delivery providers and i.e. which technology providers power all the webshops.

The report is packed with data & insights to give the reader a better understanding of the market as well as the competitive landscape.

Nordic E-commerce market

The nordic e-commerce is growing fast, with a market size of over €38 billion distributed over 76.000 webshops. Out of the regions 27 million people, more than 19.5million are online shoppers. It's also an exciting place for startups — over the past three months, 4,848 new webshops have opened up online. 

All data in this report comes from Tembi’s E-commerce Intelligence Platform (EIP).

We don’t talk about consumer data in this report. We only focus on the businesses in thee-commerce industry, such as webshops, delivery providers, and technology providers.

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