Market Intelligence


Market Intelligence

Nordic E-commerce Report

iscover data and insight around webshops in Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Norway. This report is free and available on LinkedIn for download.

What to expect inside?

We've visited and analysed over 70.000 active webshops in Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Norway. Orginsed around three topics you'll find:

➜ Insights around distribution of product categories
➜ Data on delivery prices and delivery methods
➜ Discover which technology platforms power the webshops
And much more ⏩

Go to our linkedIn page and view, or download your copy.

Previous E-commerce Reports

Baltic E-Commerce Market Intelligence Report (Published January 2024)
Nordic e-commerce Market Intelligence Report (Published October 2023)

Market Intelligence

A look into Swedish Commercial Real Estate

ast month we published our commercial relocation predictions for 2024 in Denmark, and today, we're publishing our Market Intelligence report for Swedish Commercial Real Estate.

Our data science and econometrics team looked through Swedish data from the last six months together with our predictions models to see which companies in Sweden scored a high moving probability. Looking at companies with minimum five employees, we predict that 4698 companies and production units will change address next year.

Inside the report you'll find, besides relocation predictions, relocation data from the last six months, which industries saw the most movement as well as moving velocity - how many companies have relocated in the three biggest areas in Sweden during the last three years.

Access the full report here.

After reading the report, If you're interested in getting a sample of which companies will relocate next year in Sweden, book a demo, and we will prepare data for you.

Book a demo
Market Intelligence

A 5-Step Guide to Identifying, Targeting, and Winning Over Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

f you're a marketer or sales representative in any B2B market, you know the challenges of identifying your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) among your total market. It's not always a straightforward process and getting it wrong can be costly.

Failing to identify the ICP means wasting time and money on unsuccessful outreach, attending irrelevant meetings, and seeing your closing rate decline.  

On the other hand, getting it right can lead to successful outreach, higher client relevancy, an increased win rate, and acquiring more clients with fewer resources. There is a lot to gain.

At Tembi, we've spent countless hours helping our clients identify and target their ICP. To help you start your journey, we've created a 5-step guide on how to get your ICP work right.

Step 1: Analyse Your Current Customers

One of the interesting aspects of identifying your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is that you can often find the answer right in front of you - among your existing clients. Try to identify patterns among your most successful and satisfied customers. Look for similarities in industry, company size, location, and purchasing behaviour.

Finding common characteristics among your top customers will help you gain insights into the type of companies that are best suited to your solutions.

Step 2: Develop Detailed Buyer Personas

Create detailed buyer personas that represent your ideal customers within different segments of your target market. Consider job roles, responsibilities, goals, challenges, and decision-making criteria.  

Use both quantitative data and qualitative insights to flesh out these personas. Give each persona a name and backstory to make them relatable and memorable for your sales and marketing teams.

Step 3: Consider the factors that are impacting your industry.

To gain a better understanding of the market in which your B2B solutions operate, it's important to dive into market insights. By staying up-to-date with emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities within your target industries, you can effectively identify common pain points or needs that your solutions can address.  

To achieve this, intelligence solutions like Tembi can be helpful. By using the right insight tool, you can identify patterns across your market and discover what is currently driving change for your potential clients.

Step 4: Identify and Target Your ICP

Identifying and targeting your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) can be a challenging task, even with your ICP and buying persona in hand. There are several useful tools available that can help you identify industry players, but when it comes to narrowing down your segments, you only have three options:

1. Devote lots of manpower and resources from your team to conduct research in your segment.


2. Seek paid consultancy to support the research needed.


3. Use a market intelligence solution that delivers the necessary insights into your market

At Tembi, we specialise in the latter option. We provide deep insights into entire markets, with the ability to cross-filter and monitor your potential and existing client base.

Step 5: Iterate and Refine Your ICP

Building an ideal customer profile is an iterative process that requires ongoing refinement.  

  • Continuously gather feedback from your sales and marketing teams as they engage with prospects and customers.  
  • Monitor the effectiveness of your messaging and tactics, and be open to adjusting your ICP based on new insights or changes in the market environment.  
  • Regularly revisit and update your buyer personas to ensure they remain accurate and aligned with your target audience.

Finally, make sure you have the intelligence solution that allows you to identify new targets quickly when tweaking your ICP.

Looking to start or improve your market targeting process?

Tembi is here to help. Our team of experts has spent thousands of hours supporting clients from various industries, providing deep market insight solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.

Our Tembi Market Intelligence solution can help you quickly identify and target new clients, giving you an edge in winning their hearts.  

Whether you're looking to learn more about Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) or want some qualified input into your targeting process, our team of targeting specialists is ready to assist you.

You can book a free and non-committal assessment with one of our specialists today by clicking the link below.  

Book a free consultancy

About the Author

Thomas, our CCO, has over 15 years of experience working with client targeting and acquisition across various industries. Trust us to help you take your business to the next level!

Market Intelligence

Baltic e-commerce Market Intelligence Report

he e-commerce sector in the Baltic region has seen consistent growth throughout the last ten years, opening up a number of opportunities for investment. Estonia and Latvia, in particular, stand out as some of the most rapidly expanding online retail markets within the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) area.

Our first Market Intelligence report for the e-commerce Market in the Baltics looks into the foundation of the Industry and its suppliers

Find data & insights around:

🛍️ Number of Webshops in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

📊 Webshop product category distribution per country

⚖️ Market specialisation

📦 Delivery providers, prices and methods

🖥️ Technology platforms that power the webshops

...and much more.

Access the full report for free by clicking on the image below!

Market Intelligence

Tembi Delivery Index

ogether with Andre Veskimeister and Parcel Locker Central we've published the Tembi Delivery Index - a monthly index that tracks the average price that e-commerce businesses charge private customers for delivery.

The index is a useful tool for logistics companies, e-commerce retailers, and consumers to understand the delivery landscape's pricing dynamics over the three most common delivery methods: Home delivery, Parcel locker and PUDO (Pick Up Drop Off).

The Tembi Delivery Index covers today Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. More markets will added during 2024.

All the data is drawn from Tembi’s Market Intelligence Platform from a sample of over 100.000 webshops by picking a random product outside the free delivery range and analysing the average delivery prices & delivery methods.

Market Intelligence

Danish Real Estate Market Intelligence Report

urious about the Danish Real Estate market and how it moved? Our new Market Intelligence Report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Danish commercial real estate market. Key highlights include:

  1. Extensive Relocation Data (2023): Insights into the significant movement within the Danish corporate landscape, focusing on company relocations.
  2. Predictions for 2024: Using AI analytics, the report offers predictions on market movements and company relocations for the upcoming year.
  3. Detailed Market Insights:  Valuable insights on relocation patterns, the type of premises companies are moving into (leasing vs. owning), and how often companies relocate based on their size.
  4. Regional Analysis:  Breakdown of relocation trends across different regions and municipalities in Denmark.

This report is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the dynamics of the Danish commercial real estate market, providing data-driven insights and predictions to inform strategic decisions.

Access a free version of the report here.

Market Intelligence

A Guide to 10 Key Types of Business Intelligence

here are many “intelligences” in the world of business. Besides the cognitive ability of a business’s staff, it refers to the information that has been gathered, analysed, and presented in a way that is useful for decision-making. It is not just raw data; intelligence is actionable information that provides insight into a particular subject, such as a competitor’s activities or internal business capabilities. "Intelligence" is a multifaceted term that usually denotes a high level of understanding, awareness, or information processing, whether by humans, collectives (like organizations), or technology.

What type of intelligence is needed often depends on what strategic decision you are looking to make, what type of resources you have, and the amount of data. Here are the ten most common ones:

Business Intelligence is a technology-driven process for analysing data, presenting actionable information to help executives, managers, and other corporate end users make informed business decisions. BI encompasses a variety of tools, applications, and methodologies that enable organizations to collect data from internal systems and external sources, prepare it for analysis, develop and run queries against the data, and create reports, dashboards, and data visualizations. This process offers comprehensive business metrics, often in real-time, to support better decision-making. With BI, businesses can focus on data-driven strategies to address weaknesses and capitalize on strengths.

Market Intelligence is the gathering of relevant data about the entirety of a company's market space. It covers broad spectrums such as understanding industry trends, identifying market opportunities, and detailed insights into competitors and customers. This intelligence is crucial for forming market entry strategies, pricing models, business development and sales & marketing initiatives. It aids businesses in anticipating market shifts and consumer needs, enabling proactive rather than reactive strategies. The insight gained from market intelligence informs various strategic decisions, such as market opportunity assessment, market penetration strategy, and market development.

Marketing Intelligence is the practice of collecting data from a variety of sources about the market environment a business operates in. It includes the analysis of consumer behaviour patterns, campaign outreach, and purchase triggers. The focus is to understand the success of marketing efforts and to gauge the sentiment and preferences of current and potential customers. It influences tactical marketing decisions and helps businesses adapt their strategies to better meet consumer expectations, enhance brand loyalty, and optimize return on marketing investment.

Competitive Intelligence refers to the systematic collection and analysis of information about competitors and the competitive environment. CI aims to provide a complete picture of the marketplace and the forces at work within it, encompassing aspects such as competitors' strategies, market developments, new entrants, and technological advancements. Effective CI provides a legal and ethical means to anticipate competitive moves and stay ahead of industry trends, supporting strategic planning and risk management.

Customer Intelligence (CI) is a sophisticated analysis of customer data designed to create comprehensive portraits of ideal customers to better understand and predict their behaviour. It is an advanced step beyond basic customer service, seeking not just to address customer needs but to anticipate them. CI combines demographic and psychographic data with transactional and behavioural insights to paint a detailed picture of current and potential customers. This intelligence helps in personalizing marketing strategies, enhancing customer experiences, and boosting customer loyalty. In the age of big data, companies leverage machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms to process vast amounts of information, providing a deep dive into customer preferences, pain points, and potential opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling.  

Financial Intelligence combines understanding a company's financial health with the savvy to use this data in making robust decisions. It involves the analysis of financial data like cash flow statements, balance sheets, and income statements to grasp a company's financial condition and forecast its future performance. It is not just about number crunching; it also includes reading between the lines of financial statements to identify the underlying performance factors, assessing the company's fiscal policies, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Financial Intelligence helps in capital budgeting, financial planning, and aligning financial goals with corporate strategy.

Operational Intelligence (OI) is the real-time dynamic, business analytics that delivers visibility and insight into data, streaming events, and business operations. OI solutions run query analysis on live feeds and event data to deliver real-time operational insights. It involves understanding and optimizing labour productivity, machinery performance, and other operational sectors. By integrating and analysing data from various operations, businesses can quickly identify and address inefficiencies, ensuring the smooth functioning of processes and supporting continuous improvement.

Sales Intelligence refers to technologies, applications, and practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of information to help salespeople keep up to date with clients, prospect data, and drive business. It includes a range of activities, such as tracking customer data and interactions, social media monitoring, and sales forecasts. With accurate and insightful sales intelligence, sales teams can enhance their productivity, improve lead generation and conversion rates, and drive increased sales and profitability.

Product Intelligence involves collecting and analysing data concerning one's products and those of competitors. It is pivotal in understanding how a product performs across its lifecycle, which features resonate with customers, and what improvements should be prioritized. This intelligence is crucial for product development, management, and innovation, informing companies about user feedback, product usage patterns, and market demands. By leveraging product intelligence, businesses can tailor their product offerings to better meet customer needs and stay competitive in the market.

Technological Intelligence is the systematic gathering and analysis of information about the technological environment of a business to aid decision-making. It includes tracking trends in technology advancements, research and development within the industry, patent filings, and regulatory changes. With a solid technological intelligence strategy, a company can foresee technological disruptions, identify new business opportunities, innovate, and maintain a competitive edge. This intelligence is vital for strategic planning, particularly in industries where technology evolves rapidly and is a key differentiator.

Many types of intelligences are not exhaustive and often overlap. Businesses typically leverage a combination of these intelligence types to inform various functional and strategic areas within their organizations.  


Market Intelligence

Market Intelligence Report: E-commerce October 2023

ith our E-commerceMarket Intelligence Report, we have taken a deep dive into the e-commerce industry in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway to better understand delivery price differences, who are the dominant delivery providers and i.e. which technology providers power all the webshops.

The report is packed with data & insights to give the reader a better understanding of the market as well as the competitive landscape.

Nordic E-commerce market

The nordic e-commerce is growing fast, with a market size of over €38 billion distributed over 76.000 webshops. Out of the regions 27 million people, more than 19.5million are online shoppers. It's also an exciting place for startups — over the past three months, 4,848 new webshops have opened up online. 

All data in this report comes from Tembi’s E-commerce Intelligence Platform (EIP).

We don’t talk about consumer data in this report. We only focus on the businesses in thee-commerce industry, such as webshops, delivery providers, and technology providers.

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