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Insights from every webshop on the market – How we do it

ith Tembi you don’t just get enriched B2B company data, we’ve actually visited every webshop on the market to ensure it is operating, analysed its products to understand what product category it belongs to, and connected traffic data from SimilarWeb to understand how its popularity has developed. 

A similar exercise would take 82 years for a person if s/he worked without a pause. And we do it bi-weekly.

Tembi for sales and marketing teams

At Tembi we are fascinated by the challenge of large-scale data gathering and analytics, and the more complicated, the more creative our product and data science team gets.Our Market Intelligence solution for companies targeting webshops - E-commerce Core – visits bi-weekly any active webshop in the European market capturing data on:

 • Technology platform (WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento etc.)
• Payment providers/systems (Klarna, Ayden, Stripe etc.)
• Product data (Products sold, number of products, product growth etc.)
• Company data (Ownership, address, warehouse(s), financial data etc.)
• Operating markets (languages, export markets etc.)

On top of this, we use proprietary AI-models to categoriSe each webshop into a product category using both image recognition and large language models (LLM) to ensure high quality data when you filter our database.

Granular filters to match your ICP

We’ve been there ourselves, looking for that last filter to get a precise search result –why we’ve added over 50 filter options to our product to ensure you can find exactly the webshop you’re looking for. Filter or cross-filter on product categories, growth stage, number of employees, website traffic, number of products, languages –and if you would lack a filter, our team is quick to add it (if we have the data of course).

Advanced analytics that generate insights

With deep data on each webshop, we can uncover insights by combining data in different ways. Our econometric and AI-models can today predict revenue estimations, company growth and for example technological investments – adding a deeper understanding of the maturity of a webshops operations. 

Combining these insights with webshops data further increases your possibility of narrowing your targeting, as well as better understanding your current clients, or where you’ve had success lately.

 With better data, we can get better insights that helps us reach our goals faster. If you’re interested in getting a demo or better understand how our clients use Tembi – don’t hesitate to book a call - or find more material about our E-commerce Core Solution here.

Real Estate

Strategic Selling: Use Local Area Insights to Win Your Next Commercial Pitch

hen you're pitching as a real estate agent, knowing the details well shows your professionalism and sets you up for success. In commercial real estate, understanding the area around your property can really make a difference. It's not just about showing the space; it's about explaining its future potential and what's happening in the market around it.

While Tembi’s Market Intelligence Platform for Real Estate helps agents find tenants by predicting company relocations, this data is also very useful in pitches to Real Estate Owners.

Here are a few ideas and ways to improve your pitch using data from Tembi’s platform, moving it from a generic presentation to an insightful conversation around the commercial property and its area.


Present deep area insights

Know the types of buildings, available spaces, and current tenants. This lets you understand the area's composition and the types and sizes of businesses likely to move in. Analysing moving patterns helps you see where companies are coming from, how often relocations occur, and how long companies stay.  

Predicting Company movements

The commercial real estate market constantly changes, with companies of all sizes reassessing their location needs. Pointing out these potential moves can strengthen your pitch significantly. Clearly explain which businesses might move to the area and why with the help of Tembi’s Moving Probability Score. This shows you understand market trends and aligns with what your clients need.

Space requirements: Tailoring your approach

Knowing how much space a prospective tenant might need is crucial. This isn’t just about numbers; it’s about tailoring your offerings to the market’s needs. Discussing square meters in the context of tenant demands positions you as a knowledgeable partner, not just a facilitator. For example, consider whether it makes more sense to split a 400 square meter office into two or three units based on moving patterns and the area’s composition.

Catering to the right tenants

The types of companies moving into an area can greatly influence a property’s value. Whether it’s tech startups or law firms, understanding this dynamic can transform your pitch. Match the property’s features with the expectations and culture of incoming companies.

Data-driven discussions

Back up your claims with data, market analysis, or company data. Having this data at your fingertips boosts your credibility. It shows you’re informed, and your insights are based on reliable sources. By using targeted, data-backed information, you reduce time spent on generic preparations. This lets you create a more impactful presentation that addresses specific client concerns and market opportunities.

Lifting the conversation

Move from generic pitches to discussions that resonate more deeply. Talk about the property and its area not just as they are, but as they could be. This encourages deeper engagement from potential clients who see you understand their long-term success.

Knowing how the area around “your potential” property is developing gives you a strategic edge. It allows you to anticipate changes and position your property as a smart choice in an evolving landscape.


In commercial real estate, winning a pitch often comes down to how well you understand and convey a property’s location potential. By focusing on the broader context, you turn a simple sales pitch into a compelling vision of the future, clearly showing why the smart choice is to act now, with you.

Interested in knowing more about Tembi’s Real Estate solution, don’t hesitate to book a meeting with Dennis.

Read more about our Platform.

Market Intelligence

A 5-Step Guide to Identifying, Targeting, and Winning Over Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

f you're a marketer or sales representative in any B2B market, you know the challenges of identifying your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) among your total market. It's not always a straightforward process and getting it wrong can be costly.

Failing to identify the ICP means wasting time and money on unsuccessful outreach, attending irrelevant meetings, and seeing your closing rate decline.  

On the other hand, getting it right can lead to successful outreach, higher client relevancy, an increased win rate, and acquiring more clients with fewer resources. There is a lot to gain.

At Tembi, we've spent countless hours helping our clients identify and target their ICP. To help you start your journey, we've created a 5-step guide on how to get your ICP work right.

Step 1: Analyse Your Current Customers

One of the interesting aspects of identifying your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is that you can often find the answer right in front of you - among your existing clients. Try to identify patterns among your most successful and satisfied customers. Look for similarities in industry, company size, location, and purchasing behaviour.

Finding common characteristics among your top customers will help you gain insights into the type of companies that are best suited to your solutions.

Step 2: Develop Detailed Buyer Personas

Create detailed buyer personas that represent your ideal customers within different segments of your target market. Consider job roles, responsibilities, goals, challenges, and decision-making criteria.  

Use both quantitative data and qualitative insights to flesh out these personas. Give each persona a name and backstory to make them relatable and memorable for your sales and marketing teams.

Step 3: Consider the factors that are impacting your industry.

To gain a better understanding of the market in which your B2B solutions operate, it's important to dive into market insights. By staying up-to-date with emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities within your target industries, you can effectively identify common pain points or needs that your solutions can address.  

To achieve this, intelligence solutions like Tembi can be helpful. By using the right insight tool, you can identify patterns across your market and discover what is currently driving change for your potential clients.

Step 4: Identify and Target Your ICP

Identifying and targeting your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) can be a challenging task, even with your ICP and buying persona in hand. There are several useful tools available that can help you identify industry players, but when it comes to narrowing down your segments, you only have three options:

1. Devote lots of manpower and resources from your team to conduct research in your segment.


2. Seek paid consultancy to support the research needed.


3. Use a market intelligence solution that delivers the necessary insights into your market

At Tembi, we specialise in the latter option. We provide deep insights into entire markets, with the ability to cross-filter and monitor your potential and existing client base.

Step 5: Iterate and Refine Your ICP

Building an ideal customer profile is an iterative process that requires ongoing refinement.  

  • Continuously gather feedback from your sales and marketing teams as they engage with prospects and customers.  
  • Monitor the effectiveness of your messaging and tactics, and be open to adjusting your ICP based on new insights or changes in the market environment.  
  • Regularly revisit and update your buyer personas to ensure they remain accurate and aligned with your target audience.

Finally, make sure you have the intelligence solution that allows you to identify new targets quickly when tweaking your ICP.

Looking to start or improve your market targeting process?

Tembi is here to help. Our team of experts has spent thousands of hours supporting clients from various industries, providing deep market insight solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.

Our Tembi Market Intelligence solution can help you quickly identify and target new clients, giving you an edge in winning their hearts.  

Whether you're looking to learn more about Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) or want some qualified input into your targeting process, our team of targeting specialists is ready to assist you.

You can book a free and non-committal assessment with one of our specialists today by clicking the link below.  

Book a free consultancy

About the Author

Thomas, our CCO, has over 15 years of experience working with client targeting and acquisition across various industries. Trust us to help you take your business to the next level!