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Last-Mile: 5 Key Tactics For Maximising Profits During Q4 Peak Season

As we approach the year's final quarter, the stakes for last-mile delivery companies couldn't be higher. With the majority of revenue generated from B2C webshops, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the Christmas season represent crucial opportunities to maximise profits. However, preparation for these peak periods involves more than ramping up staff, fine-tuning routing, and increasing throughput. At Tembi, having helped over 40 last-mile providers across Europe, we understand that strategic planning on the commercial side can make or break your Q4 performance. To help you in the process we have collected a five of our key learnings on the topic.

s we approach the year's final quarter, the stakes for last-mile delivery companies couldn't be higher. With the majority of revenue generated from B2C webshops, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the Christmas season represent crucial opportunities to maximise profits.  

However, preparation for these peak periods involves more than ramping up staff, fine-tuning routing, and increasing throughput.  

At Tembi, having helped over 40 last-mile providers across Europe, we understand that strategic planning on the commercial side can make or break your Q4 performance. To help you in the process we have collected a five of our key learnings on the topic.

1. Make Sure Your Bases Are Loaded

Instead of focusing solely on acquiring new clients, ensure you're optimally positioned with your existing ones. Monitoring your position in their checkout process can yield significant returns. Being positioned as the top delivery provider at the delivery checkout can dramatically increase the number of orders you receive, often doubling or even tripling them.  

From several of our Last-mile delivery clients, we have witnessed an average of 30%-50% increase in top-1 rankings working tactically with this. Typically, this amounts to a total increase of 20%- 33% in revenue from the existing client base!  

2. Target the Right Clients, Not Just More Clients

Strategic client acquisition is essential. Focus on attracting webshops that boast a strong infrastructure, high order volumes, and the right geographical locations that align with your logistics.  

These targeted efforts can significantly enhance your profit margins and operational efficiency.

On the other hand, failing to identify the clients that are right for you means losing time and money on unsuccessful outreach, attending irrelevant meetings, and seeing your closing rate decline. And even worse, potentially attracting a non-profitable client for your business.  

Market research or a good market insight & sales intelligence tool will help ensuring you target the right clients. More is not always better.

3. Leverage Your Unique Advantages

Understand where you stand out compared to your competitors and highlight your unique selling points to differentiate yourself in a crowded market. Are your delivery times faster? Do you offer more sustainable options? Is your service reliability superior?

Tembi’s E-commerce Market Intelligence solution provides users with a comprehensive, data-driven market overview. This enables last-mile delivery companies to understand their performance and how they measure up against competitors. Our data not only visualises your strengths but also serves as credible evidence of your advantages.

Combining this data with comprehensive insights into each webshop in your market provides a significant advantage in sales meetings. You can tailor your pitch using up-to-date information, demonstrating how your solution will enhance the delivery experience for your customers' clients. This personalised approach showcases the specific benefits and improvements your service offers, making a compelling case for why your company is the best choice.

4. Plan and Work with Your Clients

Q4 is a vulnerable time for webshops, where faulty shipments and slow deliveries can be extremely costly. Success often stems from a partnership approach between webshops and last-mile providers.  

Engage deeply with your clients to ensure they see you as a trusted partner they can rely on during these critical periods.

In essence, this is where you want your sales and account management team to spend the majority of their time, which can be enabled by strong processes and the right tools/technologies to help your team be even more efficient.

5. Don’t wait - Start Today

Effective planning and execution require time, structured outreach, and meticulous account management. There is no easy way. The sooner you start, the better positioned you'll be to capitalise on the high season's opportunities. The time is now – not in October.

Get Ahead Of The Competition With Tembi

At Tembi, we bring years of experience in delivering market insights and partnership services that drive success.  

Our market intelligence solutions provide last-mile delivery companies with continuously updated data and insights into webshops, delivery provider rankings, export markets, technology usage, product categories, and much more - allowing companies to react swiftly to changes, maintain top rankings, and increase revenue from their existing client base.  

We tailor our supportive services to each client's needs, and we would love nothing more than to set up a free, non-committal session to discover how our e-commerce market intelligence solution could help your business achieve its revenue goals—both in Q4 and throughout the year.  

Market Intelligence

Nordic E-commerce Report

iscover data and insight around webshops in Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Norway. This report is free and available on LinkedIn for download.

What to expect inside?

We've visited and analysed over 70.000 active webshops in Sweden, Denmark, Finland & Norway. Orginsed around three topics you'll find:

➜ Insights around distribution of product categories
➜ Data on delivery prices and delivery methods
➜ Discover which technology platforms power the webshops
And much more ⏩

Go to our linkedIn page and view, or download your copy.

Previous E-commerce Reports

Baltic E-Commerce Market Intelligence Report (Published January 2024)
Nordic e-commerce Market Intelligence Report (Published October 2023)


Last Mile Delivery: If You're Not Monitoring Your Checkout Positioning, You're Losing Market

n the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, the race to secure customers and meet their delivery expectations has never been more intense. Last-mile delivery providers are constantly seeking new e-commerce clients, but what if I told you that there's a critical factor many overlook? It's not just about acquiring new clients; it's about optimising your position in their checkout process. Here's why:

1. The Power of Checkout Positioning

At Tembi, we understand the significance of where a delivery provider stands in the checkout process. Did you know that up to 60% of final package orders go to the top-ranking delivery provider? This means that by being ranked number 1 instead of 2, 3, or 4 at your clients, you could double or even triple the number of orders from a client.

2. Cost and Ranking

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, our data shows that the top-ranking delivery provider is the cheapest option in up to 80% of cases.  

End-user delivery fees depend on the independent deal between last-mile providers and webshops. Other than lowering the delivery price paid by the e-commerce company, there are several ways to affect this.

Progressive discounts based on order volume, collaborative logistic offerings, reliance on service, and related solutions are all options that can help e-commerce companies offer your last-mile delivery service as the cheaper option for the end user.  

3. Beyond Cost: Delivery Time, Sustainability, and Collaboration

However, it's about more than just being the cheapest option. Factors such as delivery time, delivery method, sustainability options, and collaboration with the delivery company also play significant roles. One or more of these are always present when the cheapest option differs from the top-ranked delivery option.  

Consumers are increasingly conscious of environmental impact and delivery speed, making these factors crucial in their decision-making process. Therefore, they are also weighed in terms of the webshop owner's priorities and systems.

4. Reacting to Changes

Losing your top ranking can be disastrous, but it's often discovered too late. Sometimes, you only realise this at the end of a quarter when financial results reflect the drop in orders. It's crucial to act swiftly on changes at your clients.  

The Tembi Market Intelligence Solution for e-commerce gives you updated insights into your market's webshops, including delivery providers, checkout rankings, export markets, technology use, product categories, and much more.

This not only enables you to identify new ideal client profiles but also to quickly react to changes in your existing clients – like when you lose or win a top 1 position.

5. Strategic Monitoring and Reaction

Many of our clients establish a business case for using our market intelligence solution for e-commerce based on new client acquisition alone. However, the value of working strategically and tactically to monitor and react to changes in checkout positions at existing clients often significantly exceeds the value of client acquisitions alone.

From several of our Last-mile delivery clients, we have witnessed an average of 30% - 50% increase in top-1 rankings working tactically with this. Typically, this amounts to a total increase of 20%- 33% in revenue from the existing client base!

6. Take Action

Curious to learn more? Eager to get started?  

Contact Tembi for a commitment-free discussion about our solutions and services to help you optimise your revenue from your current and future e-commerce clients. With Tembi's market intelligence, you can stay ahead of the competition and secure your position at the top of the checkout page.

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, every advantage counts. By focusing on client acquisition and optimising your checkout positioning, you can ensure your last-mile delivery business thrives in today's competitive market.

Click here to schedule a call today.  

Market Intelligence

Baltic e-commerce Market Intelligence Report

he e-commerce sector in the Baltic region has seen consistent growth throughout the last ten years, opening up a number of opportunities for investment. Estonia and Latvia, in particular, stand out as some of the most rapidly expanding online retail markets within the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) area.

Our first Market Intelligence report for the e-commerce Market in the Baltics looks into the foundation of the Industry and its suppliers

Find data & insights around:

🛍️ Number of Webshops in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

📊 Webshop product category distribution per country

⚖️ Market specialisation

📦 Delivery providers, prices and methods

🖥️ Technology platforms that power the webshops

...and much more.

Access the full report for free by clicking on the image below!

Market Intelligence

Tembi Delivery Index

ogether with Andre Veskimeister and Parcel Locker Central we've published the Tembi Delivery Index - a monthly index that tracks the average price that e-commerce businesses charge private customers for delivery.

The index is a useful tool for logistics companies, e-commerce retailers, and consumers to understand the delivery landscape's pricing dynamics over the three most common delivery methods: Home delivery, Parcel locker and PUDO (Pick Up Drop Off).

The Tembi Delivery Index covers today Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. More markets will added during 2024.

All the data is drawn from Tembi’s Market Intelligence Platform from a sample of over 100.000 webshops by picking a random product outside the free delivery range and analysing the average delivery prices & delivery methods.


Last-Mile Delivery and Market Intelligence

n the fast-paced last-mile delivery sector, market intelligence is essential for success. By understanding your customers, competitors, and market trends, you can make informed decisions that lead to growth and profitability.

Market intelligence can help you identify new market opportunities, improve operational efficiency, and develop new products and services. It can also help you stay ahead of the competition and differentiate yourself from the crowd.

In this blog post, we have outlined a few specific examples of how last-mile delivery companies are using market intelligence to grow their businesses.

Staying ahead of the competition
Market intelligence can help last-mile delivery companies understand the competitive landscape and identify new ways to differentiate themselves. For example, a company might use market intelligence to identify new technologies that can help them improve their delivery services, or to develop new pricing strategies that are more competitive.

Identifying new market opportunities
By tracking market trends and customer behaviour, last-mile delivery companies can identify new markets to expand into or how green delivery is developing. For example, a company might identify a growing demand for same-day delivery in a particular city or region, or an understanding of the competitor's solution and market penetration of different delivery solutions.  

Understanding website traffic patterns and consumer purchase behaviour
Last-mile delivery companies can today track which product categories are growing and which webshop’s are growing in popularity, as well as which international sites are exporting to one’s country. By doing so, last-mile delivery companies can establish early partnerships abroad and better equip themselves for future demands and growth.

Developing new products and services
Market intelligence can help last-mile delivery companies understand the needs of their customers and develop new products and services that meet those needs. For example, a company might develop a new service that delivers packages to customers' workplaces, or a possibility to get delivery at very specific times in the evening.

Improving operational efficiency
Market intelligence can help last-mile delivery companies optimise their delivery routes, reduce costs, and improve delivery times. For example, a company might use market intelligence to identify the best locations for new warehouses, or to develop more efficient delivery schedules.

Getting good data for Market Intelligence is not easy, as it requires a lot of time, and quite often a big investment in data infrastructure and a plan to keep high quality and ensure data is actualized. Hence, many decisions are taken without bringing external factors into the mix or using poor data as a ground.

Different Market Intelligence platforms collect different types of data and can help companies better understand the market dynamics. Here are a few tips and suppliers for getting started with market intelligence.

Getting started with Market Intelligence

As with any strategic decision, starting the process, you need to define your goals. Market intelligence is not an answer, it is a tool. Are you looking for growth within a particular type of webshops, or price development of different delivery methods? Or a more complex question around identify new market opportunities. Once you know your goals, you can start to identify the data and insights you need.

Collect data
There are many different sources of market intelligence data, including customer surveys, industry reports, and government statistics. You can also collect data from your own internal systems, such as sales data and customer feedback.

Analyse the data
Once you have collected data, you need to analyse it to identify trends and insights. You can use a variety of tools and techniques to analyze data, such as data analytics software or more advanced methods using machine learning.

Share the insights
Once you have gained insights from your market intelligence data, you should to share them with your team to gather input, feedback, and get new ideas so you can keep iterating your work. You can either do a presentation or set up a dashboard that monitors the data and actualises your insights.

Tembi and Market Intelligence for Last-Mile Delivery

Our E-commerce Intelligence Platform – EIP – monitors every webshop on the market, and provides data around providers, prices, and delivery methods. This data can be filtered from a webshop category perspective or for example revenue, providing a comprehensive overview and intelligence of the market and competitors. Hence, EIP both collects and analyses the data, and provides (shares) the insights in simple overview. In other words, decision-ready intelligence.

Market Intelligence

Market Intelligence Report: E-commerce October 2023

ith our E-commerceMarket Intelligence Report, we have taken a deep dive into the e-commerce industry in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway to better understand delivery price differences, who are the dominant delivery providers and i.e. which technology providers power all the webshops.

The report is packed with data & insights to give the reader a better understanding of the market as well as the competitive landscape.

Nordic E-commerce market

The nordic e-commerce is growing fast, with a market size of over €38 billion distributed over 76.000 webshops. Out of the regions 27 million people, more than 19.5million are online shoppers. It's also an exciting place for startups — over the past three months, 4,848 new webshops have opened up online. 

All data in this report comes from Tembi’s E-commerce Intelligence Platform (EIP).

We don’t talk about consumer data in this report. We only focus on the businesses in thee-commerce industry, such as webshops, delivery providers, and technology providers.

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