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Dennis Poulsen

Real Estate

Strategic Selling: Use Local Area Insights to Win Your Next Commercial Pitch

hen you're pitching as a real estate agent, knowing the details well shows your professionalism and sets you up for success. In commercial real estate, understanding the area around your property can really make a difference. It's not just about showing the space; it's about explaining its future potential and what's happening in the market around it.

While Tembi’s Market Intelligence Platform for Real Estate helps agents find tenants by predicting company relocations, this data is also very useful in pitches to Real Estate Owners.

Here are a few ideas and ways to improve your pitch using data from Tembi’s platform, moving it from a generic presentation to an insightful conversation around the commercial property and its area.


Present deep area insights

Know the types of buildings, available spaces, and current tenants. This lets you understand the area's composition and the types and sizes of businesses likely to move in. Analysing moving patterns helps you see where companies are coming from, how often relocations occur, and how long companies stay.  

Predicting Company movements

The commercial real estate market constantly changes, with companies of all sizes reassessing their location needs. Pointing out these potential moves can strengthen your pitch significantly. Clearly explain which businesses might move to the area and why with the help of Tembi’s Moving Probability Score. This shows you understand market trends and aligns with what your clients need.

Space requirements: Tailoring your approach

Knowing how much space a prospective tenant might need is crucial. This isn’t just about numbers; it’s about tailoring your offerings to the market’s needs. Discussing square meters in the context of tenant demands positions you as a knowledgeable partner, not just a facilitator. For example, consider whether it makes more sense to split a 400 square meter office into two or three units based on moving patterns and the area’s composition.

Catering to the right tenants

The types of companies moving into an area can greatly influence a property’s value. Whether it’s tech startups or law firms, understanding this dynamic can transform your pitch. Match the property’s features with the expectations and culture of incoming companies.

Data-driven discussions

Back up your claims with data, market analysis, or company data. Having this data at your fingertips boosts your credibility. It shows you’re informed, and your insights are based on reliable sources. By using targeted, data-backed information, you reduce time spent on generic preparations. This lets you create a more impactful presentation that addresses specific client concerns and market opportunities.

Lifting the conversation

Move from generic pitches to discussions that resonate more deeply. Talk about the property and its area not just as they are, but as they could be. This encourages deeper engagement from potential clients who see you understand their long-term success.

Knowing how the area around “your potential” property is developing gives you a strategic edge. It allows you to anticipate changes and position your property as a smart choice in an evolving landscape.


In commercial real estate, winning a pitch often comes down to how well you understand and convey a property’s location potential. By focusing on the broader context, you turn a simple sales pitch into a compelling vision of the future, clearly showing why the smart choice is to act now, with you.

Interested in knowing more about Tembi’s Real Estate solution, don’t hesitate to book a meeting with Dennis.

Read more about our Platform.


Navigating the Future of Commercial Real Estate in Sweden: Insights from Tembi's 2024 Market Intelligence Report

s the Swedish real estate market continues to evolve, new trends are emerging, particularly within the commercial sector. Our latest Market Intelligence Report offers an in-depth look into these shifts, providing deep insights and predictions for 2024that could help the industry better understand the market. And where to look for opportunities.

The past six months we have seen a significant activity within the Swedish commercial real estate scene. Over 3,005 companies, each with more than five employees, have relocated, showcasing a trend that follows previous years patterns. Notably, businesses ranging from 5 to 9 employees formed the majority of these moves, highlighting a high activity within this segment.

The Predictive pulse of 2024

Looking ahead, our analytical models have identified a high relocation indicator for 4,698 companies having more than five employees. This indication, drawn from AI models and extensive market data, suggests an active year with a lot of potential. Interestingly, the bulk of this movement is expected from companies with 10 to 49 employees, pointing to a important reshuffling in the commercial real estate space. 

Regional Revelations

The report sheds light on the geographical nuances of these relocations. While the Stockholm region has traditionally been a hub of activity, the forthcoming year places a spotlight on Gothenburg, anticipating a higher volume of larger entities on the move. This regional redistribution of commercial real estate activity underscores the diverse opportunities unfolding across Sweden.

In light of that, we also see that companies and production units with more than 20employees in Stockholm tend to move more often than in other parts of the country. 33% of companies in Stockholm changed address during the last three years, while the same number in Gothenburg is 27%.

The Industries on the Move 

Diving deeper, certain industries emerge as more mobile than others, including sectors like insurance, information services, and staffing solutions.

Why This Matters

For businesses and investors, understanding these patterns is crucial. The shifting sands of the commercial real estate market offer both challenges and opportunities. For investors, it's a chance to anticipate demand in growing areas and sectors. For businesses, the insights provide a roadmap for strategic decisions about where to plant their flags in a competitive landscape. 

Access the full report by clicking on the picture below


Know who will move before they’ve made the decision

s a real estate professional, you know that timing and information are everything. Identifying which businesses are planning to relocate mean the difference between closing a deal and missing out.  

But what if you could predict these moves before they happen?  

At Tembi we have developed a solution that gives real estate professional market foresight, and a real competitive edge establishing early client relationships. Our advanced artificial intelligence platform provides you with the ability to anticipate company relocations, transforming the way you secure leads and grow your business.

The challenge of predicting moves

Traditionally, figuring out which companies are planning to move offices has been a matter of luck or extensive networking and marketing campaigns based on limited data. By the time, a company is ready to look for a new location, or inverse a property hits the market, it is already a race against dozens of other real estate professionals who are also in the know.

Tembi's predictive edge

At Tembi, we have leveraged artificial intelligence to change the game. Our Real Estate Market Intelligence solution is not just another database – it is a predictive tool that can forecast whether a company will move in the next 6 to 12 months, often before the company itself has identified the need to relocate.

Select an area get all the necessary industry & company data

How it works

Our proprietary machine learning models analyse vast amounts of data points, from building data and economic trends to company growth patterns, to provide a prediction score on companies likely to move. This insight gives you a significant head start to prepare a proposal, reach out, build a relationship, and maybe even secure a deal before others even know there is an opportunity.

And if you own properties, our Moving Prediction Score is a great tool to health check your current tenants and where they “stand.”

Precision score

Over time, our machine learning models have become very precise. When we estimate that a company will grow, we are right nine out of ten times , giving it a 90% precision rate. And most companies that will move, we capture.

Access comprehensive data

But we do not just stop at predictions. Tembi provides you with access to comprehensive company data, including size, financial health, and industry segmentation. This information allows you to tailor your approach to each potential client's unique needs and preferences.  

Filters help you find exactly the type of companies you look for

Gain a competitive advantage

With Tembi’s solution, you are not just getting leads; you are getting a consultant's perspective. Understanding the dynamics of the real estate market is crucial, and we give you the knowledge and insights to navigate it effectively. This means you can position yourself strategically in the market and close deals faster, giving you that competitive edge.

Currently, Tembi's Real Estate Market Intelligence is available to real estate professionals operating in Denmark and Sweden, with plans to expand to other markets soon.

Are you interested in getting more information. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Three different ways to use a Moving Prediction Score

f you knew which company would move within the next six, or twelve months, what would you do with that prediction?

During the last month I have talked with many Real Estate professionals within different sectors in the real estate industry, asking them the question how an understanding of companies moving intentions would change their work and approach. As expected, they all had different answers and saw different possibilities.  

Below I have paraphrased three answers that stood out during my conversations.

The Real Estate Agent

“As a Real Estate Agent, I would analyze our commercial rental pipeline to identify nearby businesses in the right segment with a high probability of moving. Then reach out to them. But I would also use that knowledge when I try to close potential new clients.”

The Real Estate Asset Manager

“Check our tenant status and see if anyone is about to move. The dialogue with our tenants is the most important thing, and this insight will allow me to reach out to them proactively, talk about their journey, and understand if their needs will change soon. So, we can make sure that they will be relocated and stay as tenants with us.”

The Real Estate Developer

“Of course, twelve months is a short time frame for us. However, previously, 12 months is far too short for us, but we are experiencing more frequently than before that large companies are not as inclined to commit to leases 24-36 months in advance. In addition to being very interested in understanding how an area is developing and where there will be a need for future offices, we would also use that knowledge to ensure we find tenants for our upcoming projects.”

Tembi’s Moving Prediction Score

Predicting if a company will move or not is not science fiction anymore. By continuously collecting and gathering millions of data points, we have at Tembi developed a Moving Prediction Score (MPS) that can predict with over 90% precision if a company will move within the next twelve months. That is about 20 times as good as a random guess.

Using artificial intelligence (AI) and gathering unique data, we can predict how a company will grow, how the number of employees will change and when they would need to move to new offices, as well as understand where they might want to move. Calculating the MPS, we do not only look at historical data, we combine different machine learning models and use this across industries and geographies. Our models are trained on 80 % of the company locations, and we test the models the remaining 20 % to see if we are right or wrong. And that is how we can reach a validated precision of 90%.

If you are interested in hearing more about how our Moving Prediction Score works, or how it can be applied to your business, do not hesitate to reach out to us.